Jaden Drury

I'm a web developer that has in the past had a focus in work done with CMSs like WordPress and Drupal. I enjoy getting to work closely with clients and seeing the direct impact the work I do with them has on their businesses. I believe that the work web developers do has become more important now than ever for businesses of all sizes and am excited to see this spreading impact in the future.

Head shot of Jaden Drury

My Work Experience


June 2021 - Present

DeveloperTown is a consulting agency where my work has largely been focused on the developement of React based web applications. I work closely with a design and QA team to build responsive, accessible, user friendly websites and applications. Part of my work at DeveloperTown has also included maintaining documentation and user guides, proof of concept projects and research reports, and continuous training in new systems or skills that are needed by the company. During my time with DT I have achieved two certifications for the AWS platform along with training in many other aspects outside of my specific certifications for AWS. I have also been involved with maintenece and feature development of various CMS platforms including, Strapi, Jekyll, Wordpress, and proof of concept builds in Builder.io and Webflow.

Journey Websites

September 2018 - May 2021

I was with Journey Websites from 2018 to 2021 where I initially joined the company as a Web Development Intern. At this time, I was one of the first secondary employee’s to be hired as it had primarily been managed by the Owner and founder alone. Since then, I have had the joy and privilege to continue watching the company grow and have joined the Journey team as a Web Development Contractor. For Journey Websites I help perform regular site maintenance for security and performance, help develop custom WordPress plugins and themes, develop and re-design sites, and act as a researcher and documenter for Journey Website’s best practices guides and models.

Some of My Work at Journey Websites

Ball State Digital Corps

August 2017 - May 2020

I joined the Ball State Digital Corps in August of 2017 as Developer. For the Digital Corps I developed web apps, mobile apps, as well as other tools needed for projects. In addition, I was responsible for maintenance and update requests for previously created projects and participated in research groups to help explore new tools and potential services that we could offer to our clients. During my time at the Corps in addition to my roles as a Developer, I became a project manager in charge of helping facilitate and create timelines and milestones for our project’s progress.

Force 5

May 2019 - August 2019

I joined Force 5 for a Drupal Development Internship in May of 2019. At Force 5 I provided rebranding, updates, and maintenance for client websites. I also helped to great best practice guides for accessibility integration into new and existing websites. Migration guides between Drupal versions and custom Drupal blocks for easy dynamic design and reduced development time were also some other key focuses of my time at Force 5.

Some of My Work at Force 5


Zooom, Native Video Editing Application

Project Intro

This project was done for Zooom App a company with a focus in helping train sports referees. The Zooom App allows for recordings of different sports matches to be uploaded and then edited with voice overs, graphics, surveys, and to clip long matches into smaller segments. The Zooom Native Video Editing Application is intended as an extension of this existing product.

About the Project

Originally the Zooom App services had only existed within a web app. Since in many cases several hour-long games were filmed, this had drawbacks of requiring whole videos to be uploaded to the service in order to make use of the provided tools. One particular tool was the clipping tool, allowing large videos to be broken down into much smaller clips. Users often used this tool to highlight important plays in a game that they wanted to highlight. But since users had to first upload an entire video to the website in order to access these tools, users would have to wait through potentially long upload and processing times, just to ultimately cut away large swaths of the video they had waited to upload.

The goal of our project was to take this functionality and move it into a native application for IOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS, that then would allow users to clip down videos and arrange them into playlists before uploading them to the server. This meant that not only could users avoid the long upload times that accompany large videos, but that they could complete this work offline, waiting till they had a stable internet connection to then upload the videos directly from the native application with no need to visit the web app directly.

Additionally this gives the Zooom App itself the benefit of fewer large videos being uploaded to the server, which may reduce the storage amount needed by the site as well as uploading strain. Creating this app to be cross platform has also given users the additional benefit of being able to use any device they have at any time.



B.S. in Computer Science




AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

MTA: Networking Fundamentals

MTA: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals

JLPT N5 Certified


  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • C#
  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • ReactJS
  • ReactNative
  • Project Management


Because being a developer requires me to spend most of my work time on a computer, I enjoy hobbies that allow me to take a break from screens. I enjoy RPG’s and board games and for the past couple years have helped host a bi weekly board game night as an event open to anyone in the community that wants to join. I also enjoy more traditional handicrafts like soap making, stained glass, and cross stitch. Getting to work with tactile materials to build something is always a refreshing contrast to the work I do digitally, and sometimes even overlaps with my love of board games when I make custom game pieces.

Pipe cleaner Beholder Figure Front Pipe cleaner Beholder Figure Back

Beware the pipe cleaner beholder